Theological Reflection 
On the Synodal Journey(Comments Off on On the Synodal Journey)
As Catholics, we believe that the Holy Spirit continues to guide the Church into a fuller understanding of the divine mysteries of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.… More
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The Mind of Christ the Mass and You – Part 2 of 2
Contact with the Mind of Christ
What do we need then to ensure that the power of the Mass to transform our minds is in fact efficacious?… More

The Mind of Christ, the Mass and You – Part 1 of 2
An approach to deepen our participation
Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus
Philippians 2:5
In that scripture text we find expressed the drive towards the fullness of life of the Christian; what growth in the Christian life seeks to achieve.… More

The Afterlife
The limits of human knowledge
On my computer I have images of galaxies in deep space captured by the Hubble telescope in its orbit around the earth.… More