Social Justice 
SWO’s Provide Pastoral Care(Comments Off on SWO’s Provide Pastoral Care)
Sea Sunday 10th July 2022
Tim is a paid ship visitor at Centreport Wellington, John was a retiree who does the same role in Port Tauranga - New Zealand’s Mega-Port, Kheng is a mature chaplain at Ports of Auckland.… More
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The Cry of the Earth
Twenty-six years ago, we lived in Motueka and one of our favourite weekend outings was to take the 12-minute drive down to the Kumaras, a wilderness reserve on the Motueka foreshore.… More

River Blindness
Debilitating Neglected Tropical Disease causes avoidable blindness in sub-Saharan Africa
Imagine thousands of painful parasites crawling under your skin, making their way into your eyes, gnawing away at your optic nerve, slowly stealing your sight and eventually making you go blind. … More

Hauropi Mariana
A Marian Integral Ecology – Part 2 of 2
To be Mary, Virgin:
Ko te Whaea - Ko te Tātāhou
To be like Mary, to imitate her quality of presence, is to be as soil.… More