Short Story 
The Legend of the Fourth Wise Man(Comments Off on The Legend of the Fourth Wise Man)
Adapted by the Editor
Artaban lived in the mountains of ancient Persia. On the basis of his study of the planets and stars, he predicted the birth of a great King.… More
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In Praise of Ice Cream
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy ice cream and that’s kind of the same thing. American adage
Summer means it is officially ice cream season.… More

A meditation on the Cross
There is a forest called Gethsemane or the New Eden. The forest began with one Crosstree. Each year more trees grow up around the first tree.… More

Love – Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another.
Merriam Webster Dictionary
We do our best to love as best we can in the situations we find ourselves in.… More