To Listen is to be Silent(Comments Off on To Listen is to be Silent)
When I undertook my counsellor training, one of the core skills we were trained in was listening. It was drilled into us on a daily basis.… More
Full Story»Stations of the Cross
First Station:
Jesus is Condemned to Death
There you stand before the crowd after being beaten. You never deny yourself, yet humbly accept the punishment given to you by those who had witnessed your miracles. … More
The Word was Made Flesh and Dwelt Amongst Us
Part 2 of 4
In revitalising old traditions of prayer, and perhaps sowing the seeds of new ones, it is good to remind ourselves about our Catholic understanding of God.… More
‘The Word was made Flesh and Dwelt Amongst Us’
Part 1 of 4
I was at a place recently where the Angelus was prayed daily. It took me back to my childhood education with the nuns and the habitual, holy nature of prayer which they instilled in me.… More