Poetry and Art 
A larger place(Comments Off on A larger place)
Love always takes us to a larger place,
you told me once,
to the orange chair by the window,
the scoop of sunlight on the white carpet,
the hymning morning,
the trees full of song,
the music wild with praise.… More
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Takarangi – Importance of Space
Part 2: Māori Cultural Insight
One area that is a carefully designed space in Māoridom is the marae atea. This is the space in front of a meeting house, often bounded by trees and grassed.… More

Halleluja, He is Risen
Halleluja, He is Risen
This month we celebrate the most important events of our faith: the death and resurrection of Jesus.… More

The Epiphany in Stained Glass
While Mary and Joseph were still in Bethlehem, the three men variously described as ‘wise,’ ‘kings’ or ‘the Magi’ found their way following a star to the stable and knelt before the baby Jesus, worshipped him and declared that Jesus was the Saviour to all.… More