A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Obituary rss

A Migrant’s Story(Comments Off on A Migrant’s Story)


My father-in-law was 95 when he died recently, a life of work and service in a land that was never meant to have been his home.… More

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Rosaleen Conway

16 November 1934 - 19 October 2017

Rosaleen, who died last year, was a regular contributor to the Marist Messenger. The editor at that time, Michael Unverricht, paid the following tribute to Rosaleen.More

Tris Officer

Tris died aged 97 on 12th January 2018. She will be particularly remembered by our readers as Business Manager for the Marist Messenger.… More

Dame Betty O’Dowd


Historian, Theologian, Woman of the Church

by Matthew O’Connell

Dame Betty O’Dowd, who died in Auckland on the feast of Corpus Christi, made a huge contribution to the life of the Church in the Diocese of Christchurch, indeed in New Zealand.… More

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