Missionary News 
This Is What An Angel Looks Like(Comments Off on This Is What An Angel Looks Like)
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New Zealander, Fr Tony O’Connor-Hickman SM baptises a baby in the parish church of San Felipe in Brownsville, a town on the border between the US and Mexico.… More
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Mission Snippets from Oceania
After 174 years, the Society of Mary mission in Rotuma ended on Sunday 26 July this year. Representing the Oceania Province, the Vicar-Provincial, Fr Milikiade Rayalu SM, handed over the key to Our Lady of Victory Church, Rotuma, to the Vicar-General of the Archdiocese of Suva, Fr Sulio Turagakacivi, who represented the Archdiocese at the ceremony.… More

Marists in Ranong – Critical Times
Our Marist Mission in Ranong, Thailand, has been supporting Burmese Migrant children and families since 2006. In early September we have had some challenges that remind us just how vulnerable Burmese Migrants are.… More

Marian Ecological Centre, Suva, Fiji
Care and Love for All creation
The Approach
The approach begins with the Spirit of Mary, the spirit of humility -- Mary as the humus, the soil of God from which the Word was made flesh and became the new creation.… More