Marist News 
Marist Lay Groups(Comments Off on Marist Lay Groups)
I am assuming that since you are reading the Marist Messenger you have some affinity with Marist Spirituality, that you appreciate the content of the material in this magazine, even if you have never thought of this way of ‘being’ as Marist Spirituality.… More
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‘Come and See’ at Marist Seminary
On the weekend of Palm Sunday, a ‘Come and See’ experience was held at Marist Seminary, Auckland. The purpose of the weekend is to introduce interested young men to the formation community and theological college. … More

Welcome to Marist Messenger’s New Editor
As from next month, the new editor of Marist Messenger will be Fr Patrick Brophy SM, a man of wide-ranging experience.… More

Society of Mary Final Professions and Ordinations
Four men took perpetual vows as members of the Society of Mary at a ceremony in Rome on 2 October 2021.… More