Inspiring Lives – 2 
St Charbel(Comments Off on St Charbel)
The Miraculous Intercessions of a Humble and Holy Hermit
Situated 1,800 metres above sea level, Bekaa Kafra is the highest village in Lebanon, with some spectacular views of the Qadisha Valley and the Monastery of St Anthony the Great of Lebanon.… More
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Pope Francis – a Son of St Ignatius
Several interviewers have asked how Pope Francis’ Jesuit background and training have influenced his pontificate. The answer is that it is impossible to separate Francis from his Ignatian Spiritualty and his membership of the Society of Jesus.… More

St Peter Claver
Peter Claver’s work among the slaves of 17th century South America made an enormous impression on Wilberforce
Fr Wilhelm Weber sm
By Fr Joseph Lamarre sm with acknowledgment to Lindsay Riddick
Tunuru 1939 - 45. Part One
Fr Weber was born in Gelsenkirchen, Germany March 23rd 1905. … More