A Catholic Monthly Magazine

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Of Choice and of Discernment(Comments Off on Of Choice and of Discernment)


Prayerful Reflection with the movie The Children Act

If the movie Of Gods and Men (2010) illustrates perfectly what is meant by ‘group discernment’, then The Children Act (2018) can be said to illustrate perfectly how ‘choice’ on a personal level is not necessarily discernment.… More

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Blessed Franz Jägerstätter

On the 19 May 2019, a film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. It was about a conscientious objector who was executed by the Nazis in 1943.… More

Gardening with Soul: a documentary about Sister Loyola Galvin D.O.L.C

...should you find yourself wanting your faith in humanity buoyed up a little, may I direct you to ‘Gardening with Soul’, a lovely, gentle study of a year in the life of Sister Loyola, the 90-year-old chief gardener of Wellington’s Home of Compassion.More