Mission Sunday 2021 in the Mind of Pope Francis(Comments Off on Mission Sunday 2021 in the Mind of Pope Francis)
My baptism has given me the privilege of participating in the Missio Dei (the Mission of God). Mission Sunday is celebrated yearly in October.… More
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Sixty Years of Mission and Grace
A Brief History of the Catholic Enquiry Centre
Part 1 of 2
Origins and Mission
Though the Catholic Missionary Society in England had expounded and defended the Catholic Faith for nearly a century, a more dynamic approach came to birth in the 1950s.… More

Border-Crossing Missionaries
This year people in Tonga are celebrating 150 years since the arrival of the first women religious or Sisters.
Challenges to missionary endeavour
Tongan historian, Sione Latukefu writes: “Seldom has there been such rapid and effective indoctrination of a people than that achieved by Wesleyan Methodist missionaries in Tonga from the 1820s.”… More

Mission Sunday 2020 – A Reason to Give Thanks
Recently, I met a person who openly declares that he is an atheist. My only question to him was, “Do you believe in goodness?”… More