A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Death of a Marist 3 rss

Fr Seluini ’Akau’ola SM  (Comments Off on Fr Seluini ’Akau’ola SM  )


Born: 20 October 1957 

Ordained: 6 January 1988

Died: 29 November 2021, Queensland

In his 39 years of Marist Life and 33 years as a priest, Fr Seluini served in several ministries: secondary school education, parish ministry, seminary education, formation, communication, youth ministry, and in politics. … More

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Fr (Patrick) John O’Neill SM

Born in Fairlie, 19 September 1926
Professed, 4 February 1944
Ordained, 17 December 1950
Died in Wellington, 28 August 2019

John O’Neill was small of stature but large of intellect, a high achiever who led a humble and simple life; one who confidently engaged with political and educational leaders, but gave his life to teaching young people at school; an intellectual with two Masters degrees, one from Victoria University (NZ) and one from Cambridge University (UK), who happily lived a quiet religious life.… More

Bishop Stuart O’Connell SM

Born in Wellington, 11 May 1935
Professed at Greenmeadows, 11 February 1956
Ordained priest in Lower Hutt, 27 July 1960,
Appointed bishop of Rarotonga, 8 November 1996
Ordained bishop, 22 February 1997
Died in Auckland, 2 August 2019

Stuart France O’Connell was born in Wellington and lived his early years in Lower Hutt.… More