Church History 
The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM Part 5(Comments Off on The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM Part 5)
Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM
Part 5
Poverty and Persecution
From their earliest days in Tonga, the situation in which the Catholic missionaries found themselves was dire.… More
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The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga
Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM
Part 4
Fake News!
Towards the end of 1851 and in early 1852, rumours circulated in Tonga about the downfall of the monarchy in France.… More

The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga
Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by Fr Kevin Head SM
Part 3
Fr Deihl wrote, “Persecution and the dispersal of the persecuted have often proven to be, in the designs of God, the good wind that carries the seeds of the gospel far afield; the story of the Catholic mission in the Kingdom of Tonga will afford no exception.”… More

The Beginnings of the Catholic Church in Tonga
Part 2 - Based on the writings of Fr Joseph Deihl SM, adapted by the Fr Kevin Head SM
[Italics are used where Fr Deihl is quoted directly and at length.]… More