A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Easter Reflections

The Cross and the CrownCross and Crown

by Lalla Loeffen

Jesus says to us, “Take up your cross daily and follow me”.  He asks us to accept the pain and suffering, the hardship and trials that life brings, and walk with Him through it all

The cross is the symbol of our redemption. Through his suffering on it, Jesus won for us forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.

The old wooden cross which was an emblem of suffering and shame has become a sign of glory.

When I was ten years old I was given a birthday book by a relative. Each day had a special verse. On my birthday were these words, “The crown must be won for heaven, dear, in the battlefield of life”.

By dealing with our ‘battles’ in the right spirit we win our crown for heaven.

Through the carrying of our cross with Jesus, we achieve a crown of glory.All the trials of life thus acquire a significance that prevents them from pulling us into depression. 

   We can travel with hope from the Cross to the Crown.

Easter’s Victory

The pain of crucifixion

led to the joy of resurrection.

Disciples bewailed Christ’s death

he rose victorious from the grave.

When reunited with him

they knew the power of God.

Their hearts were at peace

as he ascended to Heaven.

To God be the glory

forever and ever.

Lalla Loeffen


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