A Catholic Monthly Magazine

November Crossword

November Crossword



1 Anarchy without any organisation provides main enemy! (4)
3 Pope John XXIII’s surname (8)
9 A set piece when both rugby teams contest for the ball (4-3)
10 KwaZulu-____, home of the Zulu nation (5)
11 Scholar flatters me on arrangement! (3,2,7)
14 “___ any drop to drink”: Coleridge (3)
16 Rotas set for traditional Sunday dinner! (5)
17 Appetite for Japanese currency? (3)
18 Swimming style (12)
21 Arm bones with geometrical attributes? (5)
22 Sequester (7)
23 Public transport leading one to Scottish loch results in commercial enterprise! (8)
24 Organ control (4)


1 Bishops’ visit to Rome to give account of their diocese (2,6)
2 Religious law (5)
4 Choose spinning top! (3)
5 Authoritative summary of official teaching from an Ecumenical Council (12)
6 Religious rite of worship (7)
7 Lazing about in the deli! (4)
8 Sacrament (12)
12 A cent turned over to enable law! (5)
13 A joint buried in trouble? (4-4)
15 Ornamental screen placed behind the altar changes to rose-red! (7)
19 Praying figure (5)
20 Catch (4)
22 Symbolic letters referring to Jesus (3)

The September Crossword was won by Bill & Joan O’Neil of Bightwater, NZ,  from 5 correct entries

October Solution


7 Domain - Anagram of "No maid" indicated by "tidied". Second clue - "area"

8 Enamel,

9 Flea, - Anagram of "leaf" indicated by "mutant"

10 Eyeliner, "Eye" = "Watch"; "liner" = "ship"; "makeup"  both an instruction of how to construct the answer, and a clue to the answer itself

11 Baroque, 13 Rhyme,

15 Piety, - Anagram of "I type" - indicated by "erratically"

16 Masonry, - double meaning of  "masonry" the stonework, and on the work of masons

18 Hail Mary, 19 Nave, 21 Sexton, 22 Origin.


1 Soul, 2 Lay apostolate, 3 Angelus,

4 Peter, Pun on "Peter" - the name and the verb

5 Parish council, - Anagram of "Paul is chronic" - indicated by "but forms"

6 Redeemer, 12 Agitated, 14 Babylon,

17 Saint, "Francis ain't" - hidden word

20 Veil. - Anagram of "Levi" and also "evil"  indicated by "undone" and "becomes" - "obscure" indicated meaning of "veil"

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