A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Sunday 26 March

Fifth Sunday of Lent.

Ezekiel 37: 12-14; Ps 130: 1-8; Romans 8:8-11; John 11:1-45
Jesus in the midst of our pain

Mary shows us the way, she helps us to appreciate how essential our relationship with Jesus is. “If you had of been here…..” This plea of hers stirs Jesus, she and he and all those concerned seemingly are in tears in the face of the coldness of death. There is a no experience, no matter how cold, that Jesus is not actively at work; he is always here. As women and men of prayer we can be called into moments of intense pain, unexpectedly vulnerable times, our knowing and our pleading for Jesus to be with this situation enlivens our awareness that Jesus the resurrection and life is near us this day.

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