Monday 30 August
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Psalm 96;
Luke 4:16-30
All eyes fixed on him
This is a wonderful image in today’s gospel, as the saying goes, “you could have heard a pin drop.” It was such a moment with Jesus back in his hometown. The anticipation of what Jesus was going to say sharpened the atmosphere and then, sadly, the reaction. We are the people who respond to Jesus, our eyes fixed on him wherever we find ourselves to be. Yet there are times too when we can find ourselves not responding but reacting instead. Those reacting end up wanting to throw him off the cliff. Nothing in your life or mine is ever wasted, and God’s grace reaches every aspect of our lives. As we begin this day, pray for the grace that everything we do or say, begins in Jesus and then, with him and through him, can be happily ended.