A Catholic Monthly Magazine

July Crossword



7 Mexico cut Amen, causing exclusion from Church! (13)

8 Fifty stagger aimlessly and wander behind main group! (8)

9 A great amount cast for Jesus’ clothes? (4)

10 Cola spy exposes West Indies music! (7)

12 No ANC reforms in Church law! (5)

14 A free gift from God headed by a grand dash for the line! (5)

16 Ecclesiastical jurisdiction computerised without Trump organisation! (7)

19 Accept God’s will after prayer, or become mean! (4)

20 eg UHT milk (4-4)

22 Prayers for help to make Einstein cross! (13)


1 Exorcist removed orcs to leave! (4)

2 Ruin a sorry prayer of ten meditations! (6)

3 A movement seeking clarity of poetic expression embraced by Ezra Pound, James Joyce and others. (7)

4 A bodiless spirit found in a glen! (5)

5 A monster that lived on one side of a narrow channel of water, opposite Charybdis. (6)

6 To saints, well-ordered devotion centred on Jesus’ suffering! (8)

11 My air-con broke causing bitterness! (8)

13 “One cannot proclaim the Gospel of Jesus without the tangible __ of one’s life.” Pope Francis (7)

15 Move screen for incense burner! (6)

17 Geneva reformer upsets Clan Six! (6)

18 Courage to de-feather a chicken? (5)

21 Source and place of baptism? (4)

Solution for June

Across: 1 Cram, 3 Chaplain,
9 Oratory, 10 Error, 11 Exercise book, 14 Esq, 16 Least, 17 Eke, 18 Barbiturates, 21 Arena,
22 Aramaic, 23 Passed by,
24 Apse. 

Down: 1 Closeted, 2 Agape,
4 Hay, 5 Presbyterian,
6 Aureole, 7 Norm,
8 Concelebrate, 12 Shalt,
13 Versicle, 15 Quakers,
19 Tramp, 20 Wasp, 22 Alb. 


The winner of the Marist Messenger prize for the May Crossword was Evelyn Leech of Ellerslie, Auckland

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