Change – Farewell to the Marist Messenger

by Anne Kerrigan
“The only thing that is constant is change.”
Heraclitus, Greek philosopher.
“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building on the new.”
Socrates, Greek philosopher.
Marist Messenger is a lovely little magazine which has been published in New Zealand. Over the years, that magazine published many of my articles and essays. Then, just last week, I received the sad news that the magazine is ceasing publication. My heart is sad because I loved writing for them. Even though I live many miles away, I really felt as if I had been a part of the Marist Messenger family, editors and readers alike. I tried very hard to connect with the readers on a personal level. I felt as if part of my story was part of their story. I always hoped that our humanity and our spirituality connected us, the writer and the reader, precipitating personal growth on many levels. I will very much miss that connection. It was wonderful to know that the readers enjoyed reading my articles. The positive response warmed this old heart!
On an intellectual level, I understand that change is inevitable. While I know that change is a part of life, it often leaves me unsettled. I can only hope that change will ultimately lead to improved situations and greater growth. Who knows? Time will tell. It has been said that we cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails in order to meet our destination. I hope that adage is true, and I pray that the inspirational messages of The Marist Messenger will continue to be heard in another form. Sail on!
Now, even as I mourn its loss, I must just be grateful for having had the chance to write for The Marist Messenger!
I would like to thank the editors for affording me the opportunity to connect with The Marist Messenger readers. I would also like to thank the readers who read my essays. I hope they spoke to your hearts. I tried very hard to make the essays personal as well as challenging. Your positive feedback always encouraged me.
I am filled with gratitude for each and every one of you, and I am so glad that our paths crossed in this life. Hope we meet again.
Anne Kerrigan
February 2023