A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Sunday 22 August

21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Joshua 24:1- 2, 15-18; Psalm 34;
Ephesians 5:21-32; John 6:60-69

Lord, to whom shall we go?

I am sure we can all resonate with those words of Joshua. I always enjoy listening to this reading. I try to imagine the people I minister with gathered around the decision of a lifetime. Then, breaking through the reflecting, the words arrive, “As for me and my family, we shall serve the Lord.” What a choice to hold deeply! Then hundreds of years later, it is Peter who responds to Jesus’ lament, with another few break-through words, “Lord to whom shall we go?” The realisation that the words we offer Jesus in prayer matter, and the choice we made and continue to make to serve him shapes us. What are today’s words you wish to offer Jesus in prayer?

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