Price Rise
The MM is most grateful to subscribers who pay their accounts on time, and to all those who make donations to help the magazine keep going.
Unfortunately, the magazine has made significant losses over the past few years, and consequently, as from 1 February 2019, the annual subscription for the MM will increase.
The increase in price has been forced on us by the rising costs of postage over the past several years -- 20% in July this year, for instance -- and by the rising costs of paper.
The cover price will rise to $6; a subscription in NZ will be $50 per year; in Australia, $60 per year, and $65 in the Pacific, USA, Europe, Eire and the UK.
For the record, the MM’s last rise in subscription price was in May 2012.
If you receive your account by email, please ensure that the address -- -- is in your address book, as otherwise the message with your account attached may go to your spam folder, your account won’t be paid, and your MM will not arrive!
Happy Christmas
May all MM readers and their families and friends enjoy a peaceful and holy Christmas and may 2019 bring many blessings!