The 4th Sunday of Easter, 17 April, is a day of prayer for vocations in the Church, and in the nine days leading up to the Feast of St Peter Chanel on 28 April, members of the Society of Mary pray for vocations to the Marist family.
You are invited to pray for vocations to holy orders, lay ministries and religious life by praying the prayer on page 30.
The faithful readers that enter the crossword competition (p. 53) each month may now and then have won a Marist Messenger pen. A number of readers have probably won enough pens to last a lifetime! Sad to say, or perhaps the opposite, we have only a few such pens left. Crossword competitors and other readers who think they may at some stage compete are invited to send a message to the editor stating whether or not more pens should be ordered, or a different prize be awarded when the supply of pens is exhausted. You may also wish to suggest what a subsitute prize may be. All suggestions will be considered and not necessarily acted on. Please don’t bother suggesting trips overseas!