A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Tuesday 11 August


Deuteronomy 31:1-8; Canticle Deut.; 32: 1-12,
Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

Become like a child

Jesus’s response to the question “who is the greatest in heaven” is typical of his teaching: to become great you must become humble. He explains children’s dependence, humility, trustfulness and innocence are very dear to God – and as such, their angels see his face all the time. He invites us to be the same: dependent on God’s help, humble before his will, trustful of his love, innocent in our example of faith.

Dear God thank you for reminding me to be like a child in my love for you. Thank you for reminding me you will look for me if I am lost. May my angel join those of the children before you.

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