1 Priest's cur re-interpreted the Holy Books! (10)
7 Perry, a new order for communication with God! (6)
8 A barbed leather strap or a melted icicle for penance! (6)
10 Borrowed for the purple season? (4)
11 A close female relative of a monarch (8)
13 A class of things which have common characteristics (5)
14 Bargains in a city famous as the birth place of a Doctor of the Church in 1567? (5)
15 Listen carefully (4,4)
17 Popular tourist spot in Indonesia (4)
20 Erect a construction to produce something from nothing! (6)
21 A Scholar of the early Second Temple period who expounded the Oral Law and enacted regulations in the light of the Torah (6)
22 A milk pudding made with jelly crystals or cornstarch (10)
1 Find a secret spa inside a Kingdom of South-west Europe! (5)
2 A lively Scottish dance (4)
3 There's no art in disrupted ruminations about promoting workers' groups! (8)
4 “Happiness is not only a hope, but also in some strange manner a memory ... we are all kings in __.” C. K. Chesterton, The Thing (5)
5 Go to special adaptation of defence of Christian teachings! (11)
6 A genuine, accepted and widespread belief held by both lay and clerical members of the Church (Latin) (6,5)
9 A vowed religious man (7)
12 An abbreviated Spanish conversation about the end of the world! (8)
16 Take a position of prayer (5)
18 I came dishevelled; a white cloth under my alb! (5)
19 A clickable holy image? (4)
Solution for September
1 Elizabeth I, 7 Orders,
8 Beadle, 10 Monk,
11 Parousia, - Anagram - "A S I A O U R "initial port" = P; Letters when rearranged spell Parousia, "the end of the world"
13 Nudge, 14 Lauds,
15 Meat axes - Anagram "Exam teas" indicated by "prepared"
17 RCIA,
20 Noises - "CANOEISTS" remove CAT to leave NOEISS - "disgruntled" indicates anagram
21 Home Ec, "Short" indicates an abbreviation
22 Beatitudes.
1 End-on, 2 INRI,
3 Eyes-only, - Homophone indicated by "sounds"
4 Hades - Anagram of "Heads" indicated by "roll"
5 Commandment,
6 Renaissance, 9 Basques,
12 Red alert - "WORLD BEATER" loses "BOW" leaving RLDEATER - anagram indicated by "distraught"
16 Amice,
18 Chess, 19 Lord.
The winner of the Marist Messenger pen for the August Crossword is Maureen Gatt of Kohimarama.