A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Wednesday 11 June

St. Barnabas, Apostle

Acts 11:21-26,13:1-3, Ps. 98, Matthew 10:7-13

So little is needed

The austerity demanded here of an apostle does not seem to fit married discipleship lived through family life. Yet children should be taught about the hardships of following Jesus Christ and be able to see some manifestation of these hardships in everyday Catholic life. As each person gets closer to Jesus it is possible for others to see just how little in the way of material goods is needed to bring the good news of the Gospel to the world. The lives of the saints and prophets attest to this. Can my children, my friends, confreres see me shedding excess baggage to get close to Jesus?

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1 Responses »

  1. I am overwhelmed with sadness at the bleakness of this message about discipleship. Every day God's love is revealed to me through the young, the vulnerable, the un-churched - and I am richly blessed. Young adults, burdened by student debt, disheartened by lack of employment, concerned about our endangered environment, become acutely aware of the face of Christ in those around them. They may not articulate it, or even accept that they are manifesting divine love, when they support a disabled family member, or find temporary work for a long-term unemployed young man, or send daily texts and affirmations to someone on the brink of despair, or gift magazines to a house-bound person. They do not need proselytization but affirmation and encouragement. Following Jesus' edict to love is not a hardship, although it can be a personal challenge. It is a response to knowing we are loved and is an intrinsic part of becoming fully human.