A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Saturday 24 August

St Bartholomew, Apostle - feast

Apocalypse 21:9-14, Ps.145, John 1:45-51

How does Jesus challenge my
preconceived ideas?

Bartholomew (Nathaniel) responds to Philip’s ‘come and see’ after a conversation about what good could come out of Nazareth. I’ve heard people scoff, ‘What good could come out of Rome?’ (You can substitute your own location). The temptation to preconceived ideas is ever with us. But Bartholomew was also open when he met Jesus. He brought together many strands of First Testament tradition in generously proclaiming ‘You are the Son of God, the King of Israel.’ Who or what are my preconceived ideas about? How does Jesus challenge those preconceptions? St Bartholomew, pray for us.

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