September Crossword
7 Nicholas not in church choir! (6)
8 An icon to represent a participant in an internet chat or game (6)
9 Covering cloth on a chalice (4)
10 A pensioner or almsman who was paid to pray for his benefactor (8)
11 One God, three persons (7)
13 A notable public occasion even though it rained! (5)
15 Leniency makes me cry! (5)
17 “Imagination is the real and ___ world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow”, William Blake (7)
20 The return of Jesus for final judgment (8)
21 Depose (4)
22 Kingdom founded by Saul around 1025 BC (6)
23 Firstborn (6)
1 Claire made a choux pastry! (6)
2 A monk’s hood (4)
3 A day of rest and worship (7)
4 Heathen (5)
5 Festival which celebrates the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt (8)
6 The Promised Land of the Israelites (6)
12 The bishop saint who gave secret gifts (8)
14 A merest change produces a cooking utensil! (7)
16 A sleep makes time go by! (6)
18 Birthplace of St Francis (6)
19 A sacred poem attributed to King David (5)
21 List of and regulations for liturgical celebrations (4)
The July Crossword prize was won by Luana von Reiche from five correct entries
August Solution
1 Chancel - Take "art" from "lancet arch" leaves "lance ch" - rearrange to chancel
5 Isaac,
8 Incense - pun - incense can mean - to anger, and be an aromatic substance
9 Trail - pun - path, get behind
10 Lathe 11 Abraham, 12 Legate,
14 Sunday - Sun = solar, period = day
17 Mahatma,
19 Choir - Nam from harmonic leaves "hroic" - rearranges into "Choir"
22 Toner - pun - meaning both fitter and substance used in photocopiers.
23 Epistle, 24 Death, 25 Penance.
1 Chill - "sign" removed from "schilling" leaves "chlli" - which rearranges to "chill"
2 Ascot - Anagram of "coast" indicated by "moves to"
3 Convent - Hidden word in "convention"
4 Leeway, 5 Inter,
6 Abashed - Anagram - "has a bed" indicated by "remade"
7 Calumny, 12 Limited, 13 Gehenna,
15 Unction - pun
16 Make-up - pun
18 Torch,
20 Often - combination "of" and X =" ten"
21 Reeve.