A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Monday 6 February

Waitangi Day

1 Kings 8:1-7, 9-13; Psalm 132; Mark 6: 53-56.

Bishop Pompallier was asked by the Hokianga chiefs, relying on his neutrality as a Frenchman, whether Maori should sign the Treaty. Rewa was pleased with the Bishop’s reply. Whether we should remain New Zealanders or become English was your business, Pompallier said. He was not interested in their land. All he wished for was to be allowed to preach the Word of God and care for people whether they signed the Treaty or not. Holy Spirit, guide the Crown, the Waitangi Tribunal, Pakeha and Maori, in restoring the mana of the Maori people, and, consequently, the mana of all New Zealanders.

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