Thursday 29 December
St Thomas a Becket
1 John 2: 3-11, Ps. 96, Luke 2: 22-35
Joy mixed with sorrow
How proudly you came
with your first-born son
and for his ransom
two turtle doves;
gently surrendered him
to the old man’s arms -
the old law of judgment
receiving law of love.
You heard his words
of joyful dismissal,
then his warning
of your future pain.
Your son to be given
as light for all people.
Your soul to be pierced
for our greater gain.
When I reflect on the words of Simeon
to Mary, my heart goes out to parents
who hear that their newly born is
handicapped. The great joy at the birth
is tinged with sorrow and some fear.
Mary knows how they feel.