A Catholic Monthly Magazine

The New Translation – another response

I congratulated Rev. Peter Janssen on his two explanations of the changes “New Words, Deeper Meaning.”
For me they were very readable, clear explanations of change that has been given to us to deepen our prayer and unity in the Eucharist.

We have just celebrated the “Chair of St. Peter”, which reminds me that our Catholic Family is built on the “rock” of St. Peter, and now his successor, Pope Benedict XVI.

This underpins my faith, that the Catholic Community needs a leader, one voice, as it did in the Acts of the Apostles, when the people argued about whether one had to be first a Jew, before one could be a Christian, i.e. circumcision.
We are still blessed with faithful priests like Rev. Peter Janssen, who understand the call from our See of Peter today, and help us to follow it.

Catholic means universal, and we are drawn into oneness through the Eucharist. Oneness with each other, with all the family of the LORD...today, yesterday and tomorrow; with those on earth and those in heaven.
It is multi-dimensional, profound and eternal.

I hope we will all want to show our respect for the LORD in the Eucharist, to His priests, to His poor, to His Word.
This is a Holy Spirit gift, along with knowledge, wisdom, understanding, fortitude and piety
I hope too, that the gift of Counsel, so abundant in Rev. Peter Janssen, will help us all to “know and do the will of our Father in Heaven”, by following the See of St. Peter today, who is still our rock and our decisive voice.

Finally, I hope our genuflections come from a sincere respect for the presence of the LORD in His Tabernacle, as the first three Commandments, which Jesus came only to fulfill, are about honouring God
I hope our words never become so automatic that we cease to mean what we say.
It has never been so important, that the “spirit of the Celebrant” be HOLY!

Mary Pepping is a parishioner of St Mark’s parish, Pakuranga, Auckland,NZ.

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