A Catholic Monthly Magazine

April Crossword

Get your solution for this month's crossword to the Editor by the 15th of the month, and you could be the lucky winner of a Marist Messenger Pen

1    A confused pryer bets on a priest! (9)
8    An empire in Mexico overthrown by Cortes in 1519 (5)
9    Pleas restored oversight! (5)
10    An article? Most definitely. (3)
12    "No, by the __, not so" Hamlet (Act 3, Scene 4). (4)
14    A traditional story which explains a world-view (4)
15    The city where Jonah was sent to prophesy (7)
16    Reach across a yoke of oxen? (4)
17    Dam (4)
18    Used in bread and whiskey (3)
20    "__ in me, fast falls the eventide", Traditional Hymn (5)
21    He aimed to confuse the press! (5)
22    A blessed saying (9)
2    Make an excuse for restructuring? (11)
3    A schismatic group (4)
4    A lock for an American University? (4)
5    Feather-brained (5-6)
6    The person in charge of the sacred objects in a church (9)
7    Old Testament book written after the Babylonian captivity (9)
11    A hazardous moment in need of a barber? (5)
13    Kipling's "Gunga ___" (3)
14    The sound of a cat imitating a gull? (3)
18    Tear your clothes when the landlord demands payment? (4)
19    Change time to let off discharge! (4).

Solution for March

Across: 1 Gash, 4 Prayer, 8 Okra, 9 Pact, 11 Accuse, 12 Acolyte, 13 Rely, 14 Émigré, 16 Canvas, 18 Must, 20 Divorce, 21 Elated, 22 Skid, 23 Glee, 24 Emerge, 25 Yank.

Down: 2 Apace, 3 Hotly, 4 Prate, 5 Raceme, 6 Young Turk, 7 Re-elected, 9 Paraclete, 10 Colonnade, 15 Bad egg, 17 Sidle, 18 Mosey, 19 Scion

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