A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Thursday 24th March

Jeremiah 17: 5-10; Psalm 1;
Luke 16: 19-31.

A divine justice.

The parable of the rich man, Dives, and the beggar at his gate, Lazarus, points to an intolerable injustice where Dives enjoys an uncaring luxury, and Lazarus can only hope for scraps from the rich man’s table. After their deaths the situation is reversed. Dives is in hellfire, and Lazarus is welcomed to the table fellowship he was so consistently denied. Who are the beggars at our gates? Who in our family is hungry for attention? What co-worker’s ideas do we discount because he/she is lower in the power structure? Who in our parish life is excluded? How can we share our gifts, recognize their gifts, invite them to our table?

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