A Catholic Monthly Magazine

Sunday 20th March

Second Sunday of Lent

Genesis 12: 1-4; Psalm 33;
2 Timothy 1: 8b-10; Matthew 17; 1-9.

In their presence Jesus was transfigured.

A week before this Mt Tabor experience, Jesus had told Peter, James and John that he was going to be put to death. Now Jesus gives them a taste of why he would endure such suffering. Through his transfiguration Jesus wants to give them (and me) a glimpse of our own future, where we hope to live with him in glory. Through my Lenten repentance and self-denial, putting to death my human selfishness, I too need to have my eyes lifted to my heavenly future. I ask the Holy Spirit to help me keep my eyes focused on the glory Jesus promises rather than on the difficulties of this day.

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