New Ambry Installed in Sacred Heart Cathedral, Wellington
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The Holy Oils Ambry and Mosaic
is the work of artist Con Kiernan of Wakino.
(NZ Mosaic Art, Box 290, Waihi, 3641, NZ)
The interesting symbolism includes:
Dove: traditional image of Holy Spirit emanating God’s life.
Chalice and host on left side.
Sign of the fish on the right, an ancient symbol of the Christian community.
Fishhook: Maori symbol of new life and hope for the future and is placed in centre to represent all those who will be blessed by the oils of whatever type and circumstance; however refers more especially to those who will be confirmed, become priests, consecration of church altars; encompassing a huge swathe of people being anointed with sacred Chrism.
Child’s face on left: blessed with the oil of catechumens.
Sick person on right: blessed with the Oil of the Sick.
Wording of the oils either side and bottom around the Ambry that contains the ampullae (vessels) of Holy Oils.
Justinian cross to reflect Eastern rite churches. Celtic Cross to represent more the western Christian churchs.
Jordan waters at the bottom/centre.
Veni Creator Spiritus: The Gregorian music of the first line of the hymn shown with the baubles above the River Jordan.